Palm Beach HVAC

What's a gauge, and how is it used in the HVAC?

The HVAC Manifold Gauge is a pressure-checking system and a central HVAC tool. It is necessary for AC maintenance and repair. These essential tools check the pressure of gases and liquids in a heating or cooling system. The gauge can be analog or digital. There are 2-valve and 4-valve manifolds.

Most manifold gauges have the same basic parts: a red high–pressure valve and a blue low–pressure valve.

Manifold gauge sets can be used to check pressure in AC lines, repair AC and HVAC systems, determine if there’s a leak, troubleshoot, add small amounts of refrigerant, evacuate refrigerant, and recharge.

For example, suppose refrigerant is being added to the air conditioner. In that case, the yellow hose is connected to an external source, the refrigerant cylinder, and the red hose is connected to the unit. The HVAC technician will monitor how much refrigerant is added to the system and shut it off when it reaches the correct level.

Another example is when a technician takes pressure readings, the red hose is connected to the high-pressure HVAC line, and the blue hose is connected to the low-pressure HVAC line. The HVAC technician then looks at the gauges and records the readings.